Thursday, December 17, 2009


We are signing the lease tomorrow on our townhome. It is really nice 2 story/ basement(garage) townhome. I am going to go into paint right now and attempt to show you the layout! :) be right back

ok i am back... i tried to make it to scale... but it is really cool i just hope i never break a leg . a babygates are a must on all the stairs! I like making my house childproof not just for my own kids, but for when people who have kids come over they can feel at ease. I hate not being able to relax when i go somewhere because i am consantly having to chase logan around.

Thursday, December 3, 2009


basically i say "lame" way too much. My husband makes fun of my for it, but i just love that word and it is better than saying the foul, ridiculous things that come out of other mouths entirely too much! :)
I hope you are all having a fantabulous day!!! If you ever need to talk anonymously to someone, wanting advice or just to vent or need prayer i am here for you! my email is

have an amazing day!

try to make 3 people laugh today that need a smile on their face!

PS that is a picture of my friend Ashley and I doing the face from "cruel intentions" about 3 years ago :)