My new chair design will be starting really soon! People who follow me on my blog will get a discount! I can't tell you how excited i am! I am surprised how well it is turning out and i know i would buy it and that is actually how i decided to sell it. i went to a custom furniture designer to make myself a chair and the designer liked it so much that she told me that i should market them and she will make them to order so the people ordering can make certain aspects of the chair custom. I am going through the process of patenting right now and as soon as i am done the chair will be on the market.
That is not all that i am counting down to, i am being certified to be a pole dancing instructor, i am going to focus on moms trying to lose the baby weight an wanting to feel sexy for their husbands and themselves again.
I am also starting to sew some new clothes that will also be for sale custom to fit you! :)