Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Brother Julian

My oldest sibling! he is a year and nine months older than me. His the kind of guy that when he says something it is usually funny because he said it! He is a great road trip buddy because he isnt obnoxious and has a good taste in music (and he let me play beauty and the beast, be our guest, until we had it memorized) We drove from San Diego, California to Pensacola, Florida together in 3 days and we had a blast!!!! He protected me when we were in New Orleans from the crazies and he drove when I got tired, and he made me eat when i drank too much... (he is single, any takers? hehe)
He has lots of friends and loves to have a good time! He has an interesting taste in movies and TV shows and has an encyclopedia of movie quotes in his noggin and usually wins any games having to do with such. 
He has been working the same job for 7 years and is 22 that is pretty darn good! He loves to snowboard and is getting pretty good at it!
The Picture on the right is us in Mexico when i was 17 (i am not in the pic) and the worker took my beer away and gave it to Julian so he was double fisting the beers :)
 He doesnt know how to show excitement very well but he does get excited! He has his own inner way of showing it and you know that he is happy about things but he is a generally happy person and a joy to be around!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Sister Jessica!

She is so amazing! She is caring and love to take care of the underdog. Someday she will make an amazing mother (even if it is just to snakes) -inside joke!!
She moved out and made it on her own at a young age, she is beautiful and intelligent and great with people. She and I have had some fun times together!
The picture to the left is when we got LOCKED in our room on the Mexico cruise for about 12 hours!!! We didnt care until the morning because we thought the door was just sticking but the dead bolt got STUCK in the door and they had to take the whole door off the hinges to get us out! So we spent 1/3 of our cruise stuck in our room lol while I tried to calm everyone down outside and inside our room! lol but I am glad it was her i was locked away with!
We also went to school together and my sister Jessica LOVES to jump in puddles! One day after dance class she was jumping in puddles in her ballet slippers. When my mom asked her why she said, "I didnt want to get my chucks dirty!" She always knows how to make a room smile! I LOVE HER!
One time we went to 6 Flags and she had hurt her knee beforehand and i had to push her in a wheelchair all over the place! (at least we got to go on Goliath a bazillion times) :) She is a charmer and an all around awesome person! If you are looking for a friend that will not stab your back she is the most loyal friend you can have! :)

Brother Chris

I am going to write a blog about each of my siblings just because i love them! 
Chris is my only FULL biological sibling! The above picture is from 6 years ago!  He is a very honest and caring! When we were younger he was a bit of a booger but now we get along VERY well! We are 21 months apart (i am older)
He works on a TV show in the film department in a HUGE show called "Quilt in a Day" YEAH! :) He is going to college right now and is REALLY good at filming and editing and getting really good at acting! I am very proud of him!
He has a really sweet girlfriend who i love and they better get married because i dont think another Sister in Law can compare! :) the picture to the left is of them! AWWW!
We have had many ups and downs but he is still there and i love him TONS! :)

Monday, May 24, 2010


Is technology becoming ridiculous!? Are we creating needs unintentionally! Who really needs the IPad right now? I can bet you we will create a need for it and soon people will not be able to live without it! We did that with radio, then casset tapes, then CD's and then MP3 Players also with Plays, to Radio, to TV, to VHS to DVD to DVR to (blue ray maybe... hasnt really caught on yet) There are so many other things as well. What is next? What will we need?

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Why is it so hard!?

Why is it so hard for me to take a day to myself and not feel the need to be productive! I feel guilty even thinking about asking for someone to watch my kids without a reason, "i just need alone time" is so hard to get out. Well i finally did it and my mom watched my little ones for a whole day for me! I got to watch TV (the shows i wanted to watch ) Go to the grocery store childless, do a pole aerobics lesson, go to Lowes with a friend. It was nice! I highly recommend taking some me time.THANK YOU MOM

Monday, May 10, 2010

Mother's Day

I had a GREAT Mother's Day surrounded by family and friends! I really hope you all did as well!
It is so important to remind all of the mothers in your life that they are here for a reason and are doing a great job and motivate them, not just for one day but every day! (of course this is if they are truly doing a good job)
Life throws a lot of curve balls our way and we need the reminders!